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What to Expect Before, During and After Breast Reduction Surgery
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Breast reduction is a very effective and often life changing procedure for women who are plagued with very large breasts. In fact, it consistently ranks among the top of all plastic surgery procedures performed.
A breast reduction decreases the size and weight of your breasts, contouring and lifting them up to provide you with smaller, lighter, more attractive rejuvenated breasts.
Below, we’ll look at what you can expect before, during and after a breast reduction if you are strongly considering undergoing this procedure.
Why Choose Breast Reduction
Women endowed with large breasts often have to contend with numerous associated challenges. Not only do oversized breasts significantly impact your aesthetic appearance, they often attract unwanted attention and comments, make it challenging to find clothes that fit and often have significant physical and lifestyle implications.
Large, heavy breasts often cause severe back, neck, shoulder and chest pains and can lead to permanent postural and anatomic changes. Frequently, they cause skin rashes, irritation and even skin breakdown which can be painful and odiferous.
Routine daily activities can be quite a struggle including even routine household chores. Exercising and sports can lead to such discomfort that they have to either be avoided or only engaged in to a very limited extent.
Fortunately, breast reduction surgery can alleviate most, if not all, of this and allow you to take control of your life involving these issues.
Before Your Breast Reduction
Ideal candidates are women who are experiencing physical, emotional and/or psychological issues related to their burdensome breasts.
If you are considering a breast reduction, the first step is to schedule your consultation…
With Dr. Turkeltaub, of course!
During your consultation, Dr. Turkeltaub will listen to your issues, symptoms, concerns and any treatments that you have pursued for alleviation of discomfort. He will then evaluate your breasts to determine if breast reduction surgery is the right option for you. If it is, he will make surgical recommendations, including a thorough discussion of the procedure itself, what is involved, the postoperative course, risks, potential complications and expectations.
Breast reduction surgery requires some downtime from a variety of activities. Returning to school or a relatively sedentary job can be in as little as several days to a week whereas for sports it can be four weeks or more. You can actually be up and around the day of and day after surgery if you feel good. Regardless, do plan on some downtime and restrictions.
Breast reduction surgery may be covered by your insurance but there are a variety of factors that will determine that. This important issue will also be discussed during your consultation.
During Your Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia that is administered either by an anesthesiologist (a doctor) or a nurse anesthetist (nurse). Holding your safety and comfort as top priorities, Dr. Turkeltaub will ONLY use an anesthesiologist.
Following the administration of the anesthesia, Dr. Turkeltaub will perform your breast reduction as discussed during your consultation. This involves reducing your breasts to the desired size while also contouring and lifting them up to make them smaller, lighter, shapelier and firmer.
When your large breasts are droopy, a lift is done as part of the breast reduction procedure. It is an intrinsic component of the surgery and not one that is done as an additional or separate component.
Following surgery, a dressing is placed that remains on for several days.
After Your Breast Reduction
You will be placed in a supportive bra within a few days of your surgery. This should be worn day and night for a few weeks then as much as possible when you are not sleeping to help increase the durability of the results especially against the effects of gravity. It can also help you feel more comfortable in the immediate postoperative period.
Most women experience fairly mild discomfort after their breast reduction. In fact, Tylenol may be all that you need. By a few days to a week, there generally is minimal discomfort.
At the same time, most women also experience substantial or even complete relief of their preoperative symptoms almost immediately after surgery.
It is important that you follow the guidelines provided in order to help you obtain the best possible results while also reducing the risks for complications and untoward issues. This relates to normal activities, exercising, sports, work or school and nutrition. A scar gel is typically started around three to four weeks after surgery.
A vast majority of the swelling will subside by six months though it can take up to a year or even longer for the scars to mature and redness to dissipate.
Want to Learn More About Breast Reduction in Phoenix, AZ?
If you think that you may be a candidate for breast reduction surgery, then please make sure to schedule your consultation with Dr. Steven Turkeltaub.
You can schedule your appointment by calling the Arizona Center for Breast Surgery at (480) 451-3000 or by using our online contact form.
We look forward to helping you look and feel the way you desire.