Home|Blog | The Removal of Small Amounts of Breast Tissue in Gynecomastia Treatment Can Provide Big Results
The Removal of Small Amounts of Breast Tissue in Gynecomastia Treatment Can Provide Big Results
For many guys, having substantially enlarged, feminine appear breasts (gynecomastia) can be quite devastating and understandably so. In others, just the presence of a small amount of breast tissue or enlargement can have a major impact on confidence, self-esteem and even masculinity.
It doesn’t take a “B” or “C” cup size breasts in a man to be a major problem.
Interestingly and fortunately, for many guys it also doesn’t take the removal of much breast tissue and/or fat to make them thoroughly happy with their plastic surgery results. A small amount of tissue removed can completely resolve their concerns.
And, it can result in a noticeable improvement in appearance.
In the following 22 year old patient of mine who was bothered by his gynecomastia (photos A, C and E), all it took was the removal of one half an ounce of breast tissue per side to resolve his concerns and result in a substantial improvement in the appearance of his breasts (photos B, D and F).
If you would like more information on the treatment of gynecomastia or for any other plastic surgery procedure that I perform or to schedule a consultation, please call my office at 480-451-3000.
Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona